Ear Surgery Delhi Otoplasty IndiaOtoplasty Clinic, Delhi, India.
Ear Surgery
  • Otoplasty Big Ear
  • Small Absent ear Microtia
  • Ear reconstruction
  • Earlobe repair
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    Big Ear, Bat Ear or Prominent Ear Plastic Surgery - Otoplasty, Ear deformity Correction, Ear Reconstruction Surgery in Delhi NCR India by Dr Prabhash, with 20 years of experience in plastic surgery

    Big Ear Best Otoplasty Surgery in Delhi
    Before after picture otoplasty bat ear or prominent ear shape correction

    Ear Plastic Surgery Otoplasty

    Dr. Prabhash's Ear Surgery Otoplasty Clinic, New Delhi, Delhi, India

    Otoplasty : Bat Ear or Prominent Ear or Protruding or Projected Ear (otoplasty or ear reshaping) :- these type of ear lack anti helical fold ( the inner tough circle of cartilage which surrounds the hollow leading to ear canal. In Otoplasty or ear reshaping or ear shape correction, this fold is created or restored.

    Otoplasty Delhi Ear Reshaping Surgery India
    Before after picture otoplasty bat ear or prominent ear shape correction

    Please Watch our Otoplasty Video on you tube.

    Otoplasty Surgery Course, Duration & Recovery :-

    Minor day care surgery
    under local anaesthesia
    duration approx one hour,
    free after one to 2 hours
    review after 5 days, Healing takes 5-7 days,
    strengthening 21 days.

    Minor remaining Swelling goes down slowly over next few weeks.

    Otoplasty Cost in Delhi NCR India Varies between 55000 - 75000 / depending upon deformirty, work required, expertize of surgeon. We aim to provide you the best ear plastic surgery at best possible cost in Delhi.

    Congenital Absent & other Ear Deformities

    Common Congenital Ear Deformities / Anomalies are
    Microtia Absent Ear
    or Small and Malformed Ear (Microtia )
    Cup Ear or Lop Ear
    Earlobe Deformities
    Bat Ear or Prominent Ear or Protruding Ear
    Acquired:- means acquired after birth, usually post traumatic , post burn or post infective.

    Ear Trauma :-One Important thing about ear is that it’s a structure supported by cartilage framework wrapped in skin envelope. The cartilage is an avascular structure means it has no definite blood supply and it depends upon surrounding skin for its nutrition. So in cases of trauma if only skin is lost and cartilage still there, it has very high chance of desiccation ( dryness).
    So it should be kept moist with normal saline soaked gauge and some plastic surgeon should be seen urgently. Any delay after a few hours may lead to cartilage desiccation and loss, making a major reconstruction inevitable later on.
    If it has been transected, the detached piece of ear should be washed with simple water and carried along with. He cartilage part can be harvested and banked in your body and can be reused later on. Ear re-implantation is also possible, if trauma is not severe laceration.

    Plastic Ear Surgery Delhi Ear Reconstruction India

    Before and after picture of post human bite ear defect- before after flap reconstruction

    Ear Reconstruction

    Depending upon deformity, reconstruction can be done in single or multiple stages.
    For total ear reconstruction , first a framework is placed at suitable site and shape of ear is created with it. In successive stages , ear is lifted off the adjacent skull and lobule is created.

    Different materials are used to create ear frame work
    Autogenous cartilage framework ( from rib cartilage or cartilage available in same or opposite ear )- Best Material
    Medpore:- artificial porous material
    Silicone:- artificial ear framework

    Ear Recosntruction Delhi Dr Prabhash India
    Ear Framework created with costal (rib) cartilage graft and artificial materials Medpore Silicone Framework for ear reconstruction.
    Ear Reconstruction cartilage Delhi Dr Prabhash India
    Before after picture ear reconstruction with coastal cartilage graft
    ear reconstruction rib cartilage graft Delhi Dr Prabhash India

    Partial ear reconstruction with coastal cartilage (rib) and skin graft
    Cartilage Frame Ear Reconstruction Surgery Delhi Dr Prabhash India
    Before and after picture of partial ear reconstruction


    Earlobe Repair in Delhi

    Earlobe cleft are congenital while, split earlobes or earlobules are most commonly due to weight of ear rings or sudden pull down. perhaps one of the most common ear reshaping surgery is earlobe repair. earlobe reconstruction is required in congenitally absent earlobe or post traumatic loss. post dogbite earlobe loss is very common (see pic- post dogbite loss of earlobe & reconstruction)

    earlobe / Lobule reconstruction
    Ear lobe reconstruction Delhi Dr Prabhash India
    Post dog bite loss of ear lobule before and after reconstruction with local flap- color match takes time
    Earlobe Reapir Delhi Dr Prabhash India
    Partial and total ear reconstruction & earlobe repair reconstruction

    Ear , Ear Reconstruction, Otoplasty or Ear Reshaping for Bat Ear or Prominent Ear or Protruding Ear, earlobe Repair in New Delhi, Delhi, India.
    Disclaimer : Its a medical information website. information and pictures contained in this page and website is to provide information about plastic & cosmetic surgeries, its not substitute of consultation with your doctor

    Dr. Prabhash,
    M.B.B.S., M.S. (Gen. Surgery), M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery) (Mumbai Univ.)
    Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon,
    B 20, First Floor, Shopping Complex,
    Tagore Garden, New Delhi, Delhi, India, 110027.
    Contact - Call for Appointments 1,(9350948285)
    Call for Appointments 2 -8826795869
    WhatsApp 1-8130600960
    WhatsApp 2-8826795869
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    Birthmarks, Nevus Surgery, White Patches, Face Resurfacing, Vascular Malformation, Dark Patches Surgery in New Delhi, Delhi , India.

    © Cosmetic Prabhash Rights Reserved Email: info@cosmeticprabhash.com